40 Afro Hairstyles
40 Afro Hairstyles
Let your natural, beautiful hair grow into an Afro of spectacular proportions. The Afro has long been a statement of natural textured hair. Kinky locks...
Pre Poo For Natural Hair
Pre Poo For Natural Hair | What Is A Pre Poo
The last thing most of us want to do is add another step to our hair care...
40 African American short hairstyles
African American short hairstyles
In recent years short hair has become a huge trend. Many people have decided to be bold and go short. Having short hair may...
Natural Braided Hairstyles
Natural Hairstyles BraidsBraids are classic, versatile, and practical. If you have natural hair, there are a variety of cute braided styles you can create, regardless of how...
Texturizer Facts: Texturizer For Natural Hair
Hair Texturizer Guide
If you've never gotten a texturizer, you might be curious about what it is and how it differs from a relaxer. Some people believe that...
Stretching Natural Hair
How to Stretch Natural HairWhen you hear the phrase “stretching natural hair” what exactly comes to mind? If you are fairly new to the natural hair community...
Afro Dreads Ultimate Guide – Everything You Need To Know About Afro Freads
Afro Dreads: Feeform Locs Guide
Afro dreads, better known as freeform locs, have become more and more popular in recent years. While other dreads or locs are formed by...
Flexi Rods on Natural Hair
Top Tips for Flexi Rods on Natural Hair
It’s every girl’s dream to have beautiful strong, healthy hair and at some point in our lives, most of us...
Wash And Go On Natural Hair
Wash N Go On Natural Hair
The wash and go is not quite as simple as its name suggests, but it is one of the easiest styles to...
35 Trendiest African American Hairstyles
35 Trendiest African American Hairstyles
Every year, new hairstyles emerge and become the latest trends. Some styles come and go while others never seem to go out of...